Guardian Tales



Guardian Tales
Guardian Tales

  • PLlatform:
    Android IOS
  • version:
  • updated:
    June 26, 2023
  • size:
    280 MB
  • Developer:
    Kakao Games Corp.
  • Price:


To obtain a Vampire or a Lost Girl in Guardian Tales, there are a few methods you can try. Both of these characters are highly sought after and can be valuable additions to your roster. Here's a guide for new players on how to acquire them:

Gacha System:

The primary way to obtain new characters in Guardian Tales is through the gacha system. The gacha system works on a random chance basis, where you spend in-game currency or real money to roll for characters. To increase your chances of getting a Vampire or a Lost Girl, you should save up resources before attempting to pull for them. Here are some tips:

a. Gems: Gems are the premium currency in Guardian Tales, and they can be used to perform 10x pulls in the gacha. You can earn gems through gameplay, daily quests, events, and achievements. Save up a good amount of gems before attempting a pull to maximize your chances.

b. Mileage Points: The gacha system in Guardian Tales has a mileage system, where every pull contributes towards earning mileage points. Once you accumulate enough mileage points, you can select a specific character from the available pool. Save up your mileage points and use them when Vampire or Lost Girl is featured in the mileage pool.

c. Limited-Time Banners: Guardian Tales frequently introduces limited-time banners that have an increased rate for specific characters. Keep an eye out for banners that feature Vampire or Lost Girl, as they will give you a higher chance of obtaining these characters.

Events and Login Rewards:

Guardian Tales often hosts special events and provides login rewards that grant players a chance to acquire new characters. These events can include character-specific dungeons, missions, or special event currencies that can be exchanged for characters. Participate actively in events and make sure to claim your login rewards to increase your chances of getting a Vampire or a Lost Girl.

Heroic Summon Stones:

Heroic Summon Stones are a special currency that can be exchanged for characters in the game. You can obtain Heroic Summon Stones through various means, such as event rewards, achievements, and completing stages. Collect a sufficient number of Heroic Summon Stones and exchange them for Vampire or Lost Girl when they become available in the summoning pool.

Guild Raids and Shops:

Joining or creating a guild in Guardian Tales opens up new opportunities to acquire characters. Participating in guild raids and accumulating guild points will allow you to purchase character shards from the guild shop. Check the guild shop regularly to see if Vampire or Lost Girl shards are available. Once you have enough shards, you can summon the character.

Trading or Purchasing:

In some cases, players may be willing to trade or sell their Vampire or Lost Girl characters. You can explore Guardian Tales' official forums, social media groups, or discord channels to connect with other players who may be interested in trading or selling these characters. Be cautious while engaging in such transactions and ensure you are dealing with trustworthy individuals.

Remember, acquiring specific characters in Guardian Tales is a matter of luck and persistence. It may take some time and effort before you obtain a Vampire or a Lost Girl. Stay active, save up resources, and take advantage of the various in-game events and opportunities to increase your chances of obtaining these highly desirable characters. Good luck and enjoy your adventures in Guardian Tales!


Guardian Tales

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